Bean Pole Planting! Yeah, That is right- bean pole planting! Metal artist Erica Gordon of made us a cool bean pole that we will plant our beans around- we are making a bean teepee for the kids to play in! The area we want to plant in is not too difficult to weed (just horsetail & buttercup, but easy to pull- not grass) so it shouldn'take too long. We have to dig a pretty good hole and maybe reinforce with a bag of concrete, then we string it up and put the pole up and stake it, and plant pole beans up it. We are going to put chips around the pole in a circle so the kids can get in and play or chill in the shade. We also need to plant Tomatoes by June, so we have some weedin to do! become our friend on facebook and/ or come on down to plant/weed/ move chips/ and sign up to "adopt a row".